Accession card
Walking the Naga Day on 10 January is where memory and meaning meet for the contemporary Naga . It is also the first time that conscientious Nagas decided to create this event in a public forum to awaken every Naga's idea of home and the community.
It brings together the voices, visions and many aspirations of the community as they straddle the borders of peace and conflict , of work and ethics, of construction and destruction, of harmony and violence as they go forth with the promise of a new year into a more stable future .
Reverend Dr Wati Aier , Founder of the peace initiative, Forum for Naga Reconciliation, sums up best the spirit of the Walking the Naga Day in his words
Our hope for Naga Day was for shared humanity and solidarity, even in the midst of stormy weather. Engagement in the Naga world requires us to imagine those predictably unpredictable storms that are inevitable during extraordinary times. These storms, however, do not define the times. The times are defined by transformative moments and small measures that are ignited by seemingly small acts."
( This video clip has been sourced from the online magazine , The Naga Republic , an open access platform for discussion, debate and dialogue among and within Nagas and those who take interest in the cultures ,traditions and present concerns of the Nagas of India's northeast.)
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