
Knowledge Sharing for Tea Branch Trimming

To increase knowledge, when trimming a branch, leave about one or two branches of the tea tree and cut all the remaining branches to a height of 16 inches or 22 inches from the ground. Annual branch trim increases yield. As it is a branched plant, it produces more sprouts. fermented tea prefers sprouts, so the more beautiful the sprouts, the higher the price. The branching method should be taught that it is a 100% safe method without plant death. A 40-years-old- secretary of the Palaung Tea Producers and Sellers Association said:

Enforcing the quality of Organic tea production

“Shoulder basket brand” pickled tea leaf with sesame is the very first product in Myanmar (See figure – 1) Fertilizers, as well as insecticides, have not been used in tea plantations. The forty-year-old “shoulder basket brand” pickled tea leaf company owner said “In our company, export goods are manufactured hygienically and attractively. However, goods for local consumption are not produced properly. Like foreigners, indigenous people are human beings. So many diseases occur in Myanmar because of consuming unhygienic food.

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